FunRetro 101
FunRetro is one of the tools we use at Vaudeville. To see info on all the tools we use, go to the VV Tools Overview article.
Last updated
FunRetro is one of the tools we use at Vaudeville. To see info on all the tools we use, go to the VV Tools Overview article.
Last updated
FunRetro is a free tool that allows retrospectives to be run with remote team members. It allows you to create custom retro boards, gives everyone access to create cards within the retrospective, allows sorting of the cards, commenting on them, and upvoting. You can also export the board and integrate it with Slack.
1. Go to and select "Sign Up for Free"
2. Once logged in, "Add Board" and enter the name of your retro (usually Project, Retro, Date). You can allow any number of votes per user, but 6 is usually enough. If you leave " Private writing during card editing" selected, team members will be able to contribute to the retrospective anonymously.
3. Customize your board! You can add columns, rename columns, set the context of the retrospective, sort the cards once they are added, and more
4. Once you are ready to have the retrospective, click on "settings" in the top right corner, then click "Copy board to clipboard." You can then paste it into any Slack channel or email, and it will produce a URL that will allow team members to access the board with permissions to add cards
5. During the retro, team members can add cards with note and vote for other cards. After the retro, you can sort the cards into different columns, add more notes, and more. You can export the board in the same settings tab, or the board will live under your FunRetro profile