Use this template in Asana to make items for each task
Determine last day
Debrief employee on benefits - COBRA, 401k, other benefits
Meet with Manager/Taylor/Lisa
Inform relevant clients
Employee drafts email to team, reviewed by manager
Determine severance, if any, and execute Separation Agreement
Depending on the circumstances, employee drafts email to team reviewed by manager; alternatively, announced in staff meeting post-termination
Transition Work
Employee/Consultant writes up outstanding job details and duties
Ongoing tasks - reassign in Asana as necessary
Current and upcoming projects and deadlines
Necessary contact information
Determine who is assuming resigning/terminated employee’s responsibilities
Meet with manager to transition work
Exit Interviews
Relationship with managers, co-workers and consultants - did the employee receive necessary feedback, guidance and training to succeed in role
Triggers that contributed to employee’s decision to leave
Sufficiency of perks, benefits and opportunities provided by VV
Job description inaccuracies and suggestions for clarity of roles at VV
Overall satisfaction with VV and areas where we could improve
Remove from Slack, Asana, Harvest and Zoom (reassign tasks in Asana first)
Terminate in Justworks and Ubiquity
Remove from Gmail
Determine appropriate person to whom to transfer data/files
Follow these steps prior to Gmail deletion, including:
Set a new password and grant access to check email to designated person for predetermined period of time prior to account deletion
Set up OOO auto-responder directing correspondents to whom they should direct inquiries
Transfer data files to designated person - more info here
If applicable, log into all non-core G-Suite services, including AdWords, Google Analytics, Blogger, Feedburner, Google Voice and YouTube, and transfer key data to appropriate person
Delete email account 30-60 days after departure
Last updated