Notetaking: Protocol & Format



During the initial internal project kick off, when roles and responsibilities are determined, the primary notetaker should be assigned. There should also be secondary notetakers assigned in the event where the primary notetaker is unable to participate in the meeting.

  • The primary notetaker is typically the person responsible for project management responsibilities, but can also be an intern involved with the project, or whatever makes the most sense for the team.

  • Anyone else is welcome and encouraged to take notes during the meeting. If you are taking notes, be sure to pass them along to the primary notetaker so that he/she can consolidate them into one document before sending around to the relevant team members.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Someone always needs to be taking notes during the meeting. It is the primary notetaker's responsibility to ensure someone is taking notes if he/she is unable to attend the meeting.


Every meeting whether internal or external must have at least one person taking notes.

  • Sent within 24 hours: notes should be shared with the team members and anyone else that needs to have access to them.

  • Who is responsible for sending: the primary notetaker is typically assigned with being the one to send around the notes. Ensure before sending that all notes are consolidated.

    • IMORTANT NOTE: if it’s a client meeting, the person facilitating the role of the project manager should have the account manager/director review notes prior to sending. It’s a way to ensure that nothing is going to the client in writing that could cause problems as well as ensure that everything important has been captured.

  • Action items: notes with action items for the VV team need to be ported over to Asana and assigned to the relevant team member.

    • The person facilitating the role of project manager is responsible for adding tasks into Asana and following up with internal team members to ensure that tasks are being completed on time.

Agenda/Notes template

There is an official template that VV uses that serves a dual purpose for both the meeting agenda as well as capturing notes.

  • The template: here is the link to that template. Ensure that you click on the dialogue box at the bottom left that says: “This is a Vaudeville Ventures template USE” before it disappears. If it’s already disappeared, just refresh the page, and it’ll pop back up again.

  • Organization: the reason we want the notes in this template, is so that we can refer back to the notes at any time. Make sure you’re putting the agenda/notes in the project folder on Google Drive, so that the team can refer back to this document if necessary.

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: this document is NOT client facing. These notes should be consolidated into the body of an email and sent to the client that way.


Notes that are shared with clients should be short whenever possible, just delineating the primary action items and key takeaways. See below for an example of notes sent to a client:

Hi Endeavor Audio team,

Great meeting today, and this feels like it’s getting super close, which is exciting. Please take a look at the notes and action items below and let me know if you have anything to add.

Action items:

  • EA will send VV some photos to use for the full bleed image background by EOD today.

  • VV will incorporate feedback and have the updated pitch deck and logo ready to present by Thursday.

  • VV will send over the narrative we’re currently working with on the Pitch Deck by EOD today.

Key takeaways:


  • Shapes: The A, rectangle, circle, and diamond are the preferred shapes

    • Like that stackable nature of the rectangle

  • Colors: The whole bottom row looks the best, and love the black and blue together

    • Have you explored that look within different shapes? Color inside of the shape is preferred, and explore that in the rectangle especially.

    • Endeavor like the colors in the bottom right, but they need to be balanced when used in context.

Pitch Deck:

  • We like the three colors being used in the logos, and would like to see how these would be used in the pitch deck.

    • VV will add the burgundy into the overall mix

    • VV will show the two blues side by side, so EA can make a choice between them

  • Black background: EA is liking how things look on the black background

  • Image as background: EA is liking this as well, and will send VV some images to use

    • Slide 1 – don’t need the blue accents on the top and bottom if there is a lot of blue in the foreground

  • Burst: the burst feels out of place. Need a different shape there. Possibly use the waveform instead

  • Logos: would like to see the logo used in this context to help make a decision between various shapes

Thanks, Lindsey

Last updated